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HHS Computer Usage and Information Security Training
Module 1: Introduction
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2. Why Information Security? Back
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HHS HR Work Rules

Related work rules require that you must:

  • Observe work rules
  • Protect state information and property
  • Not steal, sell, willfully, or negligently damage, destroy, misuse, lose, or have unauthorized possession of owned or leased state property or use any HHS property, services, or information in an unauthorized manner or for monetary gain (including vehicles, long-distance telephone services, and HHS computer systems)
  • Not destroy, falsify, or cause another employee to falsify, remove, steal, conceal, or otherwise misuse state information (including documents and oral information) or property
Violating work rules may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment and possible criminal prosecution. [Source: HHS HR Manual – Chapter 4 (Employee Conduct)]
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